You can navigate to the campaigns you would like to join, using the campaign section on the website. Every campaign follows a 4 step schedule from Announcement to Launch. It is very important that you complete your profile, otherwise, you will not be able to join any campaigns. Step 1. Campaign is Upcoming This is the time wherein you can DYOR, and get acquainted with the project. You can sign up to receive a notification for when the campaign goes live. Depending on the project, the campaign start date is either TBD or announced. Step 2. Campaign has started This is where the fun begins. Earn Force Points by engaging with the project on Twitter and Telegram, and by completing the missions; you can find the missions under mission control! This campaign period has a countdown timer and is usually around 2 weeks long. Step 3. Calculation period This is where the magic happens! All the user engagement and missions are processed and the final FP score adjustments are made, ranking users on the leaderboard. The FP points are converted into individual allocations. Step 4. Contribution Period The sale is live and It is time to make your investment. The contribution period lasts 24 Hours. Any leftover allocation will be offered in an FCFS round!
Last updated